
Useful Information


Traditionally a precious stone was associated with a sign of the zodiac, based on a colour system. In time birthstones became associated with calendar months rather than zodiac signs. Every month has its own birthstone which is said to be lucky or important for people born in that month.


Diamond shapes

Diamonds are cut into a variety of shapes. The most popular are round, marquise, pear, emerald, oval, heart, square and princess. All but round are considered fancy shapes. Fancy shapes can be more expensive because they are more difficult to cut. A few examples are below.

Diamond Shapes

Wedding Anniversaries

Here is a helpful list of the traditional gifts bought for couple on their wedding anniversaries.

1.  Paper

2.  Cotton

3.  Leather

4.  Fruit / Flowers

5.  Wood

6.  Sugar / Iron

7.  Wool / Copper

8.  Bronze / Pottery

9.  Willow

10.  Tin / Aluminium

20.  China

25.  Silver

30.  Pearl

35.  Coral

40.  Ruby

45.  Sapphire

50.  Gold

55.  Emerald

60.  Diamond

65.  Blue Sapphire

70.  Platinum

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